"Estamos muy emocionados de celebrar nuestra cena de Navidada bordo del Costa Magica, un signo de una fuerte relación conCosta Cruceros
las palabras del Presidente de la SS Lazio,Claudio Lotito - Doy las gracias a todos los visitantes que noquisieron perderse este tradicional evento. Usted representamucho para nuestra sociedad, hoy es el día que me llena de orgullo, porque juntos formamos una gran familia. "
The protagonists of the Lazio, the entire equipment with his families, the technical personnel and of management they have been the protagonists of the Christmas greeting of this year for the President of the SSLazio, Claudio Lotito, it wanted to create the really only place, I approach of the barcoCosta Sorceress, held up in the port deCivitavecchia, the presence of a host of exception: lamascota of Olimpia.
" We are very thrilled of celebrating our Navidada's dinner I embroider of Magic Costa, a sign of a strong relation conCosta Cruises-
The words of the President of the SS Lazio, Claudio Lotito - I Give them thanks to all the visitors who nonwanted to get lost this traditional event. You representamucho for our company, today it is the day that fills me with pride, because together we form a great family. "
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